Sunday, July 21, 2024

John Sano: The time is long past for the MEK to be delisted from...

NCRI - A bi-partisan panel of members of U.S. Congress and senior former public officials and national security experts entitled "U.S. Policy, Iran...

Cross Party MPs Urge the UN Security Council to Guarantee the Minimum Rights of...

LONDON, April 10, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom On the eve of the UN Security Council meeting...

British MPs and lawyers call for immediate return of Camp Liberty residents

NCRI - Prominent British MPs, lawyers and religious leaders have backed calls from Iranian Resistance president-elect Maryam Rajavi for swift action to move highly...

55 Iraqi Parliamentarians call on Ad Melkert, Special Representative of UN Secretary General in...

Support for the European Parliament’s plan for peaceful solution of Camp Ashraf crisis and rejection of the forceful relocation of Camp Ashraf residents inside...

Mrs. Rajavi: I ask US, EU and Arab League to persuade the Security Council...

NCRI - In an international session held in Paris on Saturday, November 5th at the initiative of the CFID Committee (French Committee for...

Iran slammed over meddling

By SANDEEP SINGH GREWAL ,  Posted on » Wednesday, May 23, 2012MANAMA: A Bahraini human rights activist joined international groups in a protest against...

People in the Middle East are Pessimistic about Iranian Regime: Polls

NCRI - The New York based American Institute Zogby, which is active in 70 countries, in a survey conducted in 6 Arab countries announced:...

Kurdistan’s president strikes a positive note in Brussels

Website of Struan Stevenson - Thursday, 10th November 2011 Struan Stevenson, MEP, the President of the Delegation for Relations with Iraq in the...
Al Iraqya

Al-Iraqiya official derides Maliki’s measures against Camp Ashraf

NCRI – The chairman of the legal committee of the al-Iraqiya list, which won the parliamentary elections in March, has said that despite international...

Dr. Al shekhly: After court hearing in Spain, the Iraqi government has no credit...

Al-Ahrar TV – July 16, 2011Reporter: Mr Alshykhly, the Iraqi government spokesman, Ali Dabbagh, said that the (Spanish) courts rulings are not binding. It's...