Sunday, July 21, 2024

Martin Kobler should be charged with crimes against humanity – UN rights advisor

NCRI - The United Nation's representative in Iraq Martin Kobler should be charged with crimes against humanity over the deadly attack on Camp Liberty,...

Patrick Kennedy: UN and US must move Camp Liberty residents back to Ashraf

NCRI - The United Nations representative in Iraq Martin Kobler lied about the safety and humanitarian conditions at Camp Liberty and must now be...

US Congress resolution calls for protection of Camp Liberty residents

NCRI - US lawmakers from both parties have drafted a resolution condemning the deadly attack on Camp Liberty and demanded that President Barack Obama...

Rendell-The world was lied to over the security and humanitarian conditions at Liberty

The threat to life is no more severe and no more eminent than at LibertyThe US, the UN and the nations of the whole...

UNHCR calls for safety and security of Iraq’s Camp Liberty population

UNHCR Press Release, 1 March 2013 - UNHCR renews its deep concern about the safety and security of the residents of Camp Liberty in...

More than 15,000 Iraqis call on UN and US to protect Liberty residents

NCRI - The Council of Tribal Leaders in Iraq's Diyala province has said 15,000 Iraqi citizens have called on the United Nations and the...

Amb. John Bolton: Camp Liberty is evidence of UN’s ‘systemic failure’

NCRI - The treatment of the residents of Camp Liberty is evidence of the 'systemic failure' of the United Nations, and exposes its representatives...

Ex-EU Commissioner says was ‘cheated and betrayed’ by Martin Kobler on Camp Liberty

NCRI - Former European Commissioner Gunter Verheugen has said he feels 'cheated and betrayed' over claims by the United Nations and its Iraqi representative...

Iraqi forces obstructing protective measures in Camp Liberty

NCRI - Iraqi forces are obstructing Camp Liberty residents from taking urgent measures to protect themselves from further deadly attacks - and United Nations...

Ex-US Commander in Iraq criticizes UN’s Martin Kobler conduct

NCRI - The United Nations representative in Iraq Martin Kobler and his wife are 'parrots' who repeat everything the Iraqi president Nouri Al-Maliki says,...