Sunday, July 21, 2024

Statement by all Lichtenstein Parliament members to support European plan for Camp Ashraf

NCRI - On April 8, 2011, at the order of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and on behalf of the Iranian regime, 2,500 Iraqi forces...

Camp Ashraf: Italian support for the United Nations initiative

Italy  Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Rome 23 December 2011 Italy supports the action taken by the United Nations to find a negotiated...
Mohammad Mohaddessin

Mohaddessin in interview with Azzaman: Siege of Ashraf took place at the orders of...

Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in an interview with Azzaman: Placing Ashraf...

Female political prisoner denied treatment of heart condition

NCRI - Iranian regime officials in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison are preventing the medical treatment of a female political prisoner there, who is suffering...

Ex- US Commander in Ashraf: Move Camp Liberty resident out of ‘squalid and dangerous’...

Colonel Leo McCloskey said Martin Kobler, the UN's representative in Iraq was not doing his job and should be sacked. NCRI - The residents...

Arabic and Iraqi support for Ashraf and Liberty residents

Association of Egyptian Jurists in Defense of Ashrafinhumane pressures against Ashraf and Liberty residents. Egyptian Lawyers Society: The inhumane measures of the Iraqi Government...

Iraq: UNHCR ‘gravely concerned’ about safety of seven Camp Ashraf hostages

NCRI - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) once again expressed its grave concern on the safety of the seven Camp Ashraf...

After Iran nuclear deal, US must uphold its commitments

With the Iran nuclear agreement concluded, the world will logically turn its attention to potential cheating and misconduct by Tehran. But western countries, and...

UN envoy consigns Iranian exiles to ‘prison’ in a shameful deal with Tehran

Sunday Telegraph - By Christopher Booker 29 Jan 2012 (Page 33)The week before Christmas, I reported on what appeared to be a fast-looming...

Protection of Camp Ashraf residents

Following is the text of the statement  by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on October 2Amnesty International (28 August 2008 statement), the...