Saturday, July 20, 2024

UNHCR urges states to relocate Iranian exiles in Camp Liberty

Statement published by UNHCR, Nov 19, 2013The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) calls for renewed efforts from states to relocate former Camp Ashraf residents, also...

Iranian Resistance publishes picture of Qods Force agent at Camp Ashraf

NCRI - The Iranian Resistance has published a photo of an agent of the Iranian regime's terrorist Qods Force while he was in Camp...

Iranian regime’s dirty psychological war against a Camp Liberty resident

"I am a victim, they want us killed here" Akram Habibkhani, a resident of Camp Liberty in a letter to UN High Commissioner for...

Iraqiya advisor urges respect for the rights of Ashraf residents

NCRI - An advisor to the Iraqiya list has called for respect for the rights of Camp Ashraf residents in accordance with International Humanitarian...

Assault and murder against the MEK – Speech by Congressman Ted Poe at U.S....

Speech by Congressman Ted Poe of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives September 27, 2013 - Mr. Speaker, not all is well in...

Iran: Ex-Tehran Univ. chancellor outraged by massacre of MEK members at Camp Ashraf

NCRI - Tehran University's first chancellor after the 1979 revolution, Dr Mohammed Maleki, has spoken of his outrage at the massacre of 52 members...

US must not forget Iranian dissidents in Iraq, who were promised protection

By: Tom Ridge, Source: FoxNewsWhenever there’s a tragedy like the typhoon disaster in the Philippines, heroic efforts follow, as they should. But there has...

As US troops leave Iraq, an assault is planned that should shame us

Sunday Telegraph December 17, 2011 - A tragedy is presently unfolding in Iraq that makes a mockery of the boast by US defence secretary...

‘Christmas Massacre at Camp Liberty’

At 9:15 pm Baghdad local time, on 26 December 2013, Camp Liberty that houses some 3,000 members of Iranian opposition, the People's Mojahedin Organization...

MEP: After the massacre in Camp Ashraf, the EP Delegation for Relations with Iran...

Parliament news agency, Strasbourg, September 6 – “We can no longer continue with repeated and incomprehensible silence from Lady Ashton, the EU High Representative...