Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sheikh Majid Ismail from the Kurdistan Coalition: Camp Ashraf residents are refugees

Al-Malaf website reported on June 2 that Sheikh Majid Ismail Mohammad, a member of the Iraqi Parliament from the Kurdistan Coalition said: “Implementation of...

Members of Congress denied access to Camp Ashraf

MEMBERS OF CONGRESS DENIED ACCESS TO CAMP ASHRAF Washington, Jun 10, 2011 Today, Congressman Poe visited Iraq to visit U.S. troops and...

U.S. reiterates condemnation of ‘horrific attack’ on Camp Ashraf

US Department of State: "We are continuing to follow with urgency the situation at Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The United States reiterates its condemnation...
In a surprise move on the morning of May 28, 2009, the Iraqi police force attacked Ashraf at its entrance. They imposed a siege and for two months they exerted mounting pressures, threats and restrictions on Ashraf. Finally on July 28, 2009, they launched a brutal attack on Ashraf residents killing them savagely together with other suppressive forces at the behest of Khamenei who is engulfed in a nationwide uprising in Iran

Hunger strike continues in Camp Ashraf

Source: DPA (German News Agency), Arabic wire, August 20, 2009Baghdad, DPA – A spokesman for the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), said...
September 22, 2009 (NEW YORK) - In a press conference, human rights experts and religious leaders called on the Obama administration to adopt a firm policy toward Iran's ruling regime and abandon the futile and misguided policy of engagement.

Religious leaders, human rights experts urge firm U.S. policy on Tehran regime

NEW YORK, Sept. 22 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In a press conference Monday, human rights experts and religious leaders called on the Obama administration to adopt...

Lawyers, human rights experts urge President Obama to save the 36 abducted residents of...

WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In a press conference today, international law and human rights experts urged President Obama to intervene immediately to save...

Put Maliki on trial for Camp Ashraf massacre of Iranian PMOI (MEK) members, British...

NCRI - The Iraqi authorities involved in the massacre of Iranian opposition members in Camp Ashraf must be put on trial, a leading British...
Arab-Islamic Com

Arab-Islamic Committee in Defence of Ashraf Residents urges US to de-list MEK

Arab-Islamic Committee in Defence of Ashraf Residents21 Augusts 2012United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moonAs you know, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian...

British MPs, Peers urge UN protection for Camp Ashraf residents

At a meeting in Central Hall, Westminster, on Monday MPs and Peers condemned the Iraqi attack last month on Iranian dissidents in...
Camp Ashraf

Iraqi jurists demand UN to urgently intervene to prevent relocation of Camp Ashraf residents

NCRI - The Association of Independent Iraqi Jurists, comprised of 12,000 jurists and lawyers, wrote a letter to the UN Secretary General envoy in...