Thursday, July 18, 2024
Camp Liberty housing trailer hit by rockets

2.5 million citizens in 18 Arabic countries demand protection for Iranian PMOI (MEK) members...

Over 2.5 million citizens from 18 Arab countries signed statements calling for the safety and security of Iranian opposition members in Iraq. They strongly...

Iraqi killers must be brought to justice for Camp Ashraf massacre, Chavez demands

Iraq is to blame for the massacre of 52 Iranian opposition members residents of Camp Ashraf last year and a full investigation must be...

NGO’s call for int’l probe into massacre of Iranian opposition members in Camp Ashraf,...

On Friday, March 14, at the initiative of five non-governmental organizations, including the Movement against Racism and for Friendship among the Peoples (MRAP); the...

Iran exiles demand end to Iraq ‘blockade’

Agence france Press (AFP), in a report wired from it's Geneva office on Friday March 14, wrote: An exiled Iranian opposition group on Friday...

Iran-Terrorism-Deputy Foreign Minister of mullahs prepares for further massacres in Camp Liberty

A statement issued by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the main democratic opposition to the mullahs in Iran, announced that In...

MEP accuses Iraq of starving Liberty residents to death

A British MEP has accused Iraq of trying to starve Iranian dissidents to death by blocking food lorries at the gates of Camp Liberty....

Maryam Rajavi – US and UN must keep promise to protect Camp Liberty from...

The United Nations and the US must honour their promises to protect Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty, who are enduring constant abuses of their...

UK lawmakers condemn Iraq threats to send Camp Liberty residents to Iran

British lawmakers have condemned a threat by Iraq to extradite Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty to face torture and execution in Iran. The British...

British peers urge UK to protect Iranians in Camp Liberty Iraq

NCRI -British members of the House of Lords have urged the UK to lead the drive to defend the Iranian residents of camp Liberty...

NGOs call on UN’s Pillay to probe massacre of Iranian opposition members in Camp...

The United Nations must conduct a full investigation into the massacre of 52 people at Camp Ashraf on September 1, and bring the killers...