Thursday, July 18, 2024

London – Parliamentary conference supports Mojahedin in Ashraf, condemns threats by Iraqi governme

NCRI - On Thursday July 12th, a conference was held in one of the halls of the British Parliament by the British Parliamentary Committee...

“New Iraqi government will treat Ashraf residents humanely”

NCRI - A senior figure in the Iraqiya political bloc and a member of the Iraqi Parliament has said that new Iraqi government will...

Ex-UN official: UN deceived the world over fate of Camp Ashraf residents

NCRI - A former senior United Nations official in Iraq has told how he quit his post because the UN 'deceived and misled' the...

Put Maliki on trial for Camp Ashraf massacre of Iranian PMOI (MEK) members, British...

NCRI - The Iraqi authorities involved in the massacre of Iranian opposition members in Camp Ashraf must be put on trial, a leading British...

Dr. Ayham Al-Samarie – Plan Exposes Ashraf Residents to Risks

NCRI - In the international conference held in Paris on Friday, January 20, 2012 in defense of Camp Ashraf, Dr. Ayham Al-Samarie, former Minister...

Video: Exposing Iranian regime’s agents posing as PMOI families

NCRI - In the past two weeks, the Iranian regime has on three occasions sent agents of its Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS)...

FRIDAY: Online Q&A with Dr. Tahar Boumedra, Ex-UN official in Iraq

Dr. Tahar Boumedra, former Chief of the Human Rights Office of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), will be the guest of an urgent...

Iran: Political prisoners condemn the attack on Camp Liberty

A group of political prisoners in Gohar Dasht prison near Tehran condemned the latest terrorist attack against members of Iranian opposition movement, the People's...

“Diyala provincial council not involved in suppression of Camp Ashraf”

NCRI - A senior official in Iraq’s Diyala province has said that the province’s council has “no involvement with the inhumane pressures imposed on...

Iran: political prisoner “Ali Moezzi” congratulates the victorious relocation of PMOI

NCRI - In a message from Evin prison, “Ali Moezzi” the political prisoner and father of two PMOI (MEK) members, congratulates the triumphant relocation of PMOI...