Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Symposium in Kuwait in solidarity with Mojahedin at Camp Ashraf

Parliamentary support for the European plan to resolve Ashraf crisis NCRI - In an article entitled “Where are Kuwaiti Shiites when Camp Ashraf Shiites...

Camp Ashraf dissidents brave enough to stand up to Iran must be protected by...

The Daily Mail - By Lord Carlile Of Berriew - 6 April 2012 Eight women were either shot at close range or crushed to...

Maryam Rajavi in Geneva in defense of Camp Ashraf residents

AP - Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, flashes the victory sign after her speech at a ceremony...
the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Iran: Ban Ki-moon reiterates on the rights of Ashraf residents

NCIR – In his latest report to the UN Security Council on the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), the UN Secretary General...

Iraq backed by Iranian regime is committing criminal acts on Camp Liberty

NCRI- Iraq is committing 'vicious and criminal acts' backed by Iran against the defenseless residents of Camp Liberty, in direct breach of the 1948...

Camp Liberty Iranians must be moved to safety, former UN envoy demands

NCRI - The 3,000 Iranian dissidents residents of Camp Liberty in Iraq under daily threat of attack should be urgently moved to safe countries,...

Iraqi tribal leaders congratulate release and return of 36 residents to Camp Ashraf

NCRI - A number of Iraqi tribal leaders congratulated the release of 36 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that were...

Iraq plays deadly game to control Camp Ashraf, French TV reports

NCRI - The French TV station, Channel 3, on Friday broadcast a report about the attack of Iraqi forces against Camp Ashraf, describing it...

Iraqi city officials demand disbanding of committee suppressing Camp Ashraf

NCRI - Officials in the Iraqi city of Sulaiman Beg have called for the disbanding of a government committee charged with suppressing Iranian dissidents...
Mryam Rajavi

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi speech in International Symposium on Ashraf-Brussels

Mr. Chairman Ladies and Gentlemen,It is a great pleasure for me to be with you today. I was deeply impressed by previous speakers and...