Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Move PMOI to Ashraf after latest Liberty rocket attack, Iraqi human rights chief demands

NCRI - The president of the Human Rights Commission in the Iraqi parliament has strongly condemned the latest rocket attack on Camp Liberty and...

Iranian Mojahedin in France call for the protection of Camp Ashraf

EFE (Spain News Agency) - Jun 18, 2011 Supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), dressed in bright yellow, turned out at an...

UN expert demands investigation into massacre of Iranian MEK members in Iraq

NCRI - A full investigation must be carried out into the September 1, 2013, massacre of 52 members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of...

Mayor Rudi Giuliani – Anonymous, Cowardly Sources Who Unknowingly Are Doing the Bidding of...

Mayor Rudi Giuliani - March 24, 2012 Paris - Thank you very much.  Thank you.  Thank you very much.  Thank you. Thank you.  Thank...
Mr. Erik Meijers, MEP from the Netherlands, speaking in the plenary session of the European Parliament on 24 April 2009 which adopted the resolution titled “Humanitarian Situation of Camp Ashraf Residents.”

Rights of Iranian opposition members in Camp Ashraf cannot be violated – Dutch MEP

Mr. Erik Meijers, MEP from the Netherlands: “The EP resolution sends a strong message to the Iraqi government that the rights of these 3,400...

US still fails to keep its word as further massacre looms at Ashraf

Pressure is mounting for the US to honour guarantees of safety given to Iranian refugees in Sunday Telegragh - By Christopher Booker 16 April,...
Paulo Casaca MEP

Euro MP raises concern over abductions of Iranian dissidents in Iraq

In a letter to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Ibrahim Jaafari, President of the European Parliament Delegation to NATO, Paulo Casaca, expressed his deep concern...
The US congressman, Hon. William. Lacy Clay of Missouri, in a speech at the House of Representatives on Thursday drew the attention of his colleagues to the recent resolution adopted by the European Parliament on the rights of residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

US Congressman Lacy Clay draws attention to Camp Ashraf residents

NCRI – The US congressman, Hon. William. Lacy Clay of Missouri, in a speech at the House of Representatives on Thursday drew the attention...

Despite Iran Deal, US must uphold commitments to PMOI in Camp Liberty

The Obama administration is staying quiet as the Iranian regime has increased pressure on thousands of Iranian political dissidents taking refuge in Camp Liberty in...