Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iraq must end Camp Liberty medical siege, Conference in UN Geneva HQ told

The medical siege on Camp Liberty must be brought to an end to prevent any more deaths and illnesses among the Iranian residents, a...

Ex-UN Iraq envoy’s Report and Recommendations on Humanitarian Crisis in ‘Camp Liberty’

REPORT and RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN « CAMP LIBERTY » (IRAQ)  By: Ad Melkert, former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-­‐General for...

EX- UN Iraq envoy demands Camp Liberty recognition as refugee camp

The West must unite to address the plight of Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty by ensuring their protection and recognizing the camp as a...

Michael Mukasey urges action for protection of Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty

The time has come to give serious thought to take new initiatives to protect the Iranian residents of Camp Liberty in Iraq who had...

VIDEO – ISJ: Camp Liberty residents ‘disarmed by US’ have right to self-defense

NCRI - Iranian opposition activists in Camp Liberty were disarmed by the US but are under threat of attack and have a right to...

Iranians in Camp Liberty protest destruction of their martyrs’ cemetery in Iraq

NCRI – Iranian opposition activists residing in Camp Liberty near Baghdad Airport protested the desecration and destruction of the cemetery of the martyrs of...

Iraqi Kurds demand end to Camp Liberty blockade

Kurdish organizations have united to demand an end to the 'inhumane' medical blockade of Camp Liberty in Iraq. In Iraqi Kurdistan, 35 political, trade...

Return Camp Liberty residents’ personal weapons for self-defence, NGO demands

Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty should have their personal protection weapons returned to them for self-defence following serious threats and attacks as the Iranian...

BMA demands health care for Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty, Iraq

Camp Liberty residents are being denied their fundamental health rights which has lead to the death of 22 Iranian dissidents, the British Medical Association...

Iraq must lift inhumane Camp Liberty medical blockade: Iraq EU Association

Iraq must lift its 'merciless' medical blockade of Camp Liberty which has cost the lives of 22 Iranian dissidents, the European Iraqi Freedom Association...