Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Family members of Camp Ashraf residents targets of regime’s vengeance

NCRI - In blatant acts of retribution and vengeance, the clerical regime is targeting defenseless families of Camp Ashraf residents. For example, it transferred...

Iranian regime “not qualified” to hold anti-terrorism conference

NCRI - Al-Sharqia Television analyzed the so-called conference against terrorism in Tehran and said: “Is Iranian regime qualified to hold an anti-terrorism conference? This...

UN urged to distance itself from Iranian regime’s “anti-terror” conference

NCRI - The Geneva-based UN Watch has reportedly issued a call for UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon to distance the international organization from an...

Dáil Moves to Condemn Iraqi attacks, but UN intervention is needed say MEP Higgins,...

MEP "determined to bring an end to the bloody slaughter of women and children" Jim Higgins MEP has today thanked the majority of Dail...

Red Cross denies role in Iraq Camp Ashraf closure

BAGHDAD, June 27, 2011 (AFP) - The International Committee of the Red Cross denied on Monday that it will play any role in the...

Aloosi: Joint committee for closing Ashraf is illegal and Zebari’s statements are unrealistic

NCRI - Mesal Aloosi, head of Iraq’s Ummah(national) Party, described Zebari’s statements regarding the joint committee between Iran and Iraq for closing Camp Ashraf...

Mr. President, Don’t Let Iran Take Iraq

Newsmax.com - By Brian Binley  27 Jun 2011 President Barack Obama is intent on fulfilling a commitment to withdraw most U.S. troops from Iraq...

Interview with Dr. Mohammad al-Sheikhli, Director of the Center for National Justice Studies in...

Al-Rafidain Television, June 24:“Anchor: Jalal Talebani in Tehran made a commitment to close Camp Ashraf, how do you view this commitment? “Dr. Mohammad al-Sheikhli,...

Zafir al-Ani described forming a committee for closing Ashraf as a gift to Khamenei

NCRI - Zafir al-Ani Director of the Coordination Commission of al-Iraqia Coalition described the seminar against terrorism in Tehran as a propaganda meeting and...

Sanabargh Zahedi: Talebani’s statement regarding closure of Ashraf is an insult to people of...

Aljazeera Television reported on June 24 that: “In response to the decision Sanabargh Zahedi, Chairman of the Judicial Committee of the National Council...