Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Maryam Rajavi, arrival for the 100th day of a sit-in protest in Geneve in...

Ruters - Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, waves to the protesters at her arrival at a ceremony...

Maryam Rajavi in Geneva in defense of Camp Ashraf residents

AP - Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, flashes the victory sign after her speech at a ceremony...

Obama’s Short-Sighted Iran Policy

The United States has been backing the people of Middle East in their struggle for freedom and democracy; The Arab Spring however will never...

Warning to Nouri Maliki’s government about consequences of the Spanish court ruling and influence...

NCRI - In a statement, Mrs. Etab al-Duri, member of al-Iraqi, warned Maliki's government about the consequences of Spanish court ruling and said: The...

Latvian majority MP’s support Europe plan for protection of Camp Ashraf in Iraq

Statement by Latvian majority MP's in support of Europe plan for protection of Ashraf While in the attack on camp Ashraf on April...

Spanish Court’s Verdict Inspires Hope in the Hearts of Iraqi Victims – Zafir Al-Ani

NCRI - Dr. Zafir Al-Ani, the leader of Iraq’s National Future Assembly and one of the leaders of Al-Iraqia Coalition, described the verdict of...

The United States must stop the Iraqi massacre

By: David Waddington, Special to CNN London (CNN) -- The July 5 ruling by the Dutch Appeals Court on the responsibility of the...

Abandoned allies? – Liberty news

Don’t betray Iranian refugees New York Post - By WESLEY MARTIN - More  Print Some 3,400 innocent Iranian dissidents now living in a camp in...

Congressman Ted Poe Puts Pressure on Iraq to Protect Camp Ashraf

TOP SECRET WRITERS - Congress Ted Poe (R-TX) is calling on Iraq to protect residents in Camp Ashraf, a camp for Iranian refugees. Ashraf...

US Policy Endangers Iranian Dissidents in Iraq - By Tarsem King - U.S. President Barack Obama recently said the U.S. stands behind those people in the Arab Spring who have...