Obama signs budget law requiring protection of Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty


President Obama on has signed the annual U.S. defense policy bill that includes a seven points amendment on the security and protection of members of Iranian opposition, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq.

The bill approved by the United States House of Representatives and Senate, which has been signed to a law by President Barack Obama on 25 November 2015 states:

The United States should—
(1) take prompt and appropriate steps in accordance with international agreements to promote the physical security and protection of residents of Camp Liberty, Iraq;

(2) urge the Government of Iraq to uphold its commitments to the United States to ensure the safety and well-being of those living in Camp Liberty;

(3) urge the Government of Iraq to ensure continued and reliable access to food, clean water, medical assistance, electricity and other energy needs, and any other equipment and supplies necessary to sustain the residents during periods of attack or siege by external forces;
(4) oppose the extradition of Camp Liberty residents to Iran;
(5) assist the international community in implementing a plan to provide for the safe, secure, and permanent relocation of Camp Liberty residents, including a detailed outline of steps that would need to be taken by recipient countries, the United States, the Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and the Camp residents to relocate residents to other countries;

(6) encourage continued close cooperation between the residents of Camp Liberty and the authorities in the relocation process; and

(7) assist the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in expediting the ongoing resettlement of all residents of Camp Liberty to safe locations outside Iraq.

Signing this bill into a law represents a very big victory for Iranian Resistance, residents of Camp Liberty and their supporters in the United States and Europe.

Three factors contributed to this achievement: The perseverance and steadfastness of the PMOI (MEK) members in Camp Liberty in the past few years, unrelenting endeavors of members and supporters of the resistance in the US, and concerted bipartisan efforts of the US senators and congressmen, political dignitaries, and former senior officials of the Obama, Bush, Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Regan administrations in support of Iranian Resistance and residents of Camp Liberty.


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