Norwegian Iran committee calls for US intervention to prevent catastrophe in Camp Ashraf

On Thursday the Iraqi police force suddenly entered Camp Ashraf, home to some 3,400 members of the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Iraq, pursuant to renewed calls by the Iranian regime to “implement bilateral agreements.”NCRI – The Norwegian Committee for Iran on Thursday called for US Intervention to protect Camp Asharf in Iraq, where thousands of Iranian exiles have been living for many years.

On Thursday the Iraqi police force suddenly entered Camp Ashraf, home to some 3,400 members of the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) in Iraq, pursuant to renewed calls by the Iranian regime to “implement bilateral agreements.”

NCRI – The Norwegian Committee fro Iran on Thursday called for US Intervention to protect Camp Asharf in Iraq, where thousands of Iranian exiles have been living for many years.

On Thursday the Iraqi police force suddenly entered Camp Ashraf, home to some 3,400 members of the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Iraq, pursuant to renewed calls by the Iranian regime to “implement bilateral agreements.”

This suppressive measure takes place while the Iraqi Army is currently protecting Camp Ashraf and there was no need for the Iraqi police to enter the Camp.

The Norwegian Committee of Friends of Free Iran (FOFI) described the raid as “unlawful and a suppressive action on the part of the Iraqi government. Once more it echoes the demands of the Iranian regime to make life "intolerable" for the Ashraf residents.”

FOFI said: “It's clearly evident that the Iraqi government is unwilling or unable to honor its international obligations toward the residents of Ashraf.”
“The European Parliament on the April 24, called on the Iraqi government to honor all the international covenants apply to the Ashraf residents. The Iraqi government, since February 28, has all along publicly declared that it would abide by the international treaties applicable to the Ashraf residents. However today's raid proved the contrary.

“It is no surprise that the act coincides with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's and Saeed Jalili, the secretary ofIran's supreme national security council asking the Iraqi foreign minister to ‘implement the bilateral agreement in meeting in Tehran last week’.”

The committee called on US to “intervene and stop a human catastrophe in the making in Camp Ashraf.”

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