Norway – Friends of Free Iran welcomes EP resolution on Camp Ashraf

“The resolution was a defeat for the clerical regime in its plots against the residents of Ashraf and its attempts to prepare the grounds of a human catastrophe.”

Text of statement by “Friends of a Free Iran – Norway”

April 29, 2009

The European Parliament in its 24th of April session adopted a strong resolution about the protection of Camp Ashraf, home of 3500 members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the main Iranian opposition group.

The resolution reiterates the statues of Ashraf residents as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva convention and 'Urges the Iraqi Prime Minister to ensure that no action is taken by the Iraqi authorities which violates the human rights of the Camp Ashraf residents and to clarify the government's intentions towards them.

The resolution also calls on the Iraqi authorities to protect the lives, and the physical and moral integrity of the Camp Ashraf residents and to treat them in accordance with the obligations under the Geneva Conventions, notably not forcibly displaced, deport, expel or repatriate them in violation of the principle of non-refoulment.

The resolution was a defeat for the clerical regime in its plots against the residents of Ashraf and its attempts to prepare the grounds of a human catastrophe.

The Friends of the Iran Committee – Norway, congratulates the residents of Camp Ashraf for the adoption of this strong resolution, and reaffirms its support for the residents of Camp Ashraf.

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