Multi-National Force-Iraq strongly condemns abduction of two PMOI (MeK) members in Iraq

In response to kidnapping of two PMOI members in Iraq, Multi-National Force-Iraq issued a statement condemning this terrorist act. The full text of the statement follows:

Aug. 14, 2005

Release A050814g

Two members of MeK abducted

BAGHDAD , Iraq — Two members of the Mujahedeen e Kalq were abducted on August 4 in eastern Baghdad while on a routine logistics trip to Baghdad . The MeK have been considered protected persons under the fourth Geneva Convention since June 2004.

Multi-National Force-Iraq strongly condemns the abduction of persons protected by the Geneva Convention.

Upon learning of the abduction, MNF-I immediately requested that the Iraqi Police investigate the abduction, and is assisting in attempting to find the missing men. MNF-I units have checked with numerous police and Ministry of Interior units and stations, and have notified the MNF-I hostage working group.

The MeK currently reside at Camp Ashraf. Officials are undertaking a complete review of security risks and procedures in relation to trips off of Camp Ashraf in light of the abduction.

The investigation is ongoing.

TEXT PROVIDED BY THE PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER FOR TASK FORCE 134 (DETAINEE OPERATIONS). For more information, contact the public affairs officer at taskforce.134pao_io@iraq.centcom.miL

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