Mounting demands inside Iraq to return Liberty residents to Ashraf

NCRI – Iraq’s human rights spokesman Riyadh al-Jabouri has called on all his nations decision-makers to support the return of endangered Camp Liberty residents to Ashraf.

Mr al-Jabouri said he fervently back similar demands made by Sheikh Rafe al-Refaei – the Secretary General of Iraq’s Supreme Fatwa Secretariat – last week.

In a statement to the Arabic Language ‘Iraq for All’ website, he said: “The call on of Sheikh al-Refaei to return refugees in Camp Liberty to Ashraf has a legal, nationalistic and Islamic base.

“Sheikh al-Refaei wanted to attract world’s attention to the problems of these refugees who are facing most vicious crimes. He also wants to return them to their home, Camp Ashraf, which they built over many years with their own labor and which they were unjustly taken from.”

Mr Al-Jabouri added: “We call on all national forces, parties, clerics, politicians and parliament representatives to support al-Refaei’s call, which shows his respect for human rights, our Iraqi guests and the pillars of Islam.”

Sheikh al-Refaei also spoke out last week against the visit to Iraq of Iran’s intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi’s trip, amid public protests at the presence of the notorious regime figure in the country.

Mr al-Refaei told al-Shaqiya TV: “The visit by Heydar Moslehi clearly demonstrates how the Iranian regime is dominating al-Maliki and his government. His guidelines are to suppress the protesters, support Bashar al-Assad and his para-military forces killing Syrian people and destroying Syria.”

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