Message of Irish MEP Marian Harkin to the rally of relatives of Camp Ashraf in Schuman Brussels, 1 December 2011




Dear friends,

I first want to express my full solidarity and support for the brave Camp Ashraf residents in these particularly difficult days and also to send you our warmest and best wishes.

However I am aware that right now you need more than our best wishes, you need to see action on your behalf.

As you know large numbers of my colleagues in the European Parliament have on many occasions shown their strong support for the cause of Camp Ashraf residents and right now very large numbers of MEPs have signed a document calling for the cancellation of the deadline for closure of Camp Ashraf.

The lives of 3.400 Iranian dissidents are at serious risk and many of us have real concerns that the proposed closure of Camp Ashraf on December 31st could have catastrophic outcomes.

We are already aware of deadly attacks on Camp Ashraf by Iraqi forces and of other measures such as Communication Jamming stations that have been used to minimize the amount of information flow to the outside world.

Proposals from the European Parliament to find a long term solution to Camp Ashraf have received international support.

We are now calling for the December 31st deadline to be extended so that the UNHCR can conduct its work to establish refugee status for the individual residents.

Furthermore any forcible re-location of the residents inside Iraq would almost inevitably lead to further deaths and would certainly lead to gross abuses of human rights.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to say directly to all in Camp Ashraf sisters and brothers that we in the European Parliament are doing what we can to issue and call for reasonable and peaceful measures to be taken. You have stood up for freedom and you deserve our support.

Marian Harkin, MEP
1 December 2011

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