MEP: After the massacre in Camp Ashraf, the EP Delegation for Relations with Iran has to be dissolved

Parliament news agency, Strasbourg, September 6 – “We can no longer continue with repeated and incomprehensible silence from Lady Ashton, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, regarding the massacre in the Ashraf refugee camp by Iraqi special forces with the consent of Iranian authorities. Similarly, we cannot continue with the silence from President of the Delegation for Relations with Iran Ms. Cronberg.”

Potitto Salatto, the Italian MEP from European People’s Party and Vice President of the Delegation for Relations with Iran at the EP, said in a statement: “We should ask what good is the Delegation for Relations with Iran at the European Parliament and what does it do if its behavior is silence and connivance with regard to countries that are responsible for massacre of people who are recognized as political refugees. If necessary, this delegation should even be dissolved. I hope that all of the parliament in Strasbourg would resolutely declare its condemnation of this deadly scene and adopts effective measures against governments of Iran and Iraq who collaborated to commit this crime.”

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