MEP accuses Iraq of starving Liberty residents to death

A British MEP has accused Iraq of trying to starve Iranian dissidents to death by blocking food lorries at the gates of Camp Liberty.

Marina Yannakoudakis, Conservative MEP for London, told the EU parliament that the plight of Liberty residents should not be forgotten amid the current strife in Ukraine and Syria.

She said: “Whilst we all follow these current events, we must not forget the events of the past that are still being played out.

“I refer to the 2,900 people who now live in Camp Liberty, people who were thrown out from Camp Ashraf, refugees living in inhuman circumstances. Last week I was told even the food lorries were stopped. The point being what? To starve these people to death? Is this the civilized world we live in?


“And speaking of humanity, let us not forget the 52 refugees murdered on September 1, 2013, protecting Camp Ashraf and the missing seven innocent refugees including six women who were taken hostage.”

At Camp Liberty, Iraqi intelligence Major Ahmad Khozair

has been holding up two truckloads of food purchased by residents of Camp Liberty from entering the camp for more than a week.

The food is on the point of going rotten, and must be moved into the camp immediately due to chronic food shortages inside Liberty, where there are no cold storage or warehouse facilities.

Depriving the residents of this food represents an intensification of the harassment of residents by the Government of Iraq.

Khozair participated directly in the massacre and kidnapping of Ashraf residents on September 1, 2013, and the Ashraf massacre of April 8, 2011, and is now playing a major role in the medical siege of asylum seekers in Camp Liberty.

Preventing free access to medical services and delays in the treatment of patients has so far has led to the slow death of 18 residents of Ashraf and Liberty.


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