Maryam Rajavi: Only way to prevent more killings at Camp Liberty is to return residents to Ashraf

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, declared today that the killings on February 9 proved that the transfer of members of the Iranian resistance from Ashraf to Camp Liberty which was pursued by the United Nations at the behest of Nouri Al-Maliki’s government has been a completely failed project and assurances for the safety and security of the residents of Liberty is only a mirage. She stressed that there is no guarantee of protection and safety for the residents at Camp Liberty and the only way to prevent further killings is to compel the Iraqi government to return 3100 defenseless residents of Camp Liberty to Ashraf, their home for 26 years.


Speaking at a ceremony to pay homage to the victims of the criminal attack by the clerical regime and the Government of Iraq on Liberty on Saturday February 9, which led to the killing of 6 residents and the wounding of 100, Mrs. Rajavi stated the UN Security Council and other international authorities should order the Iraqi government to open the gates of Camp Liberty to lawyers, journalists, parliamentary delegations and US, European and Arab officials so that they can observe with their own eyes the unacceptable situation at Liberty and the dangers threatening the residents.

Several European, American and Arab dignitaries including Sid Ahmad Ghozali, the former Prime Minister of Algeria and Chairman of the Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf, General David Phillips, former Commander of the US Military Police and protection for Ashraf who was stationed at Liberty for several years,  and former commander of protection for Ashraf Colonel Wesley Martin, participated in the international event in solidarity with the residents of Ashraf and Liberty.

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