Martin Kobler must be brought to justice, Vice president of the European Parliament says

NCRI – The vice-president of the European Parliament has branded the UN’s Iraqi envoy Martin Kobler an ‘agent of the Iranian regime disguised as a diplomat’ and said he must be held accountable for his ‘shameful behaviour’.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras also praised Maryam Rajavi for her leadership of the Iranian Resistance and shared her vision of a free and democratic Iran.

He told a massive gathering in Paris on June 22: “Our thoughts are with those in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty. And it is to them that I will now speak.

“Your many friends at the European Parliament will not stop until we are sure of your safety as well as your move to Ashraf or to democratic countries. You are our inspiration, our hope and our strength.”

Mr Vidal-Quadras, also President of International Committee is Search of Justice, spoke of the success of the campaign to have Martin Kobler dismissed and sent to a new UN post in Congo.

Kobler failed to protect the residents of Camp Liberty and it was now the responsibility to ensure their safety, he said.

He added: “We now need to win the battle for Camp Liberty’s protection. The last massacre was further proof that the United States Department of State and the United Nations have not fulfilled their obligations. How many deaths will it take before they do something effective?

“Inaction in front of murder is collaboration with the murderers. But action is to participate in the crime. And I wish one day Martin Kobler will be held accountable for his shameful behavior.”

He also described the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as a ‘real threat’ to the Iranian regime, and said their terrorist attacks on Liberty showed the regime is ‘weak and motivated by fear’.

He continued: “The days of the regime are numbered. The farcical elections may have created temporary false hope for change. But the West will soon see that in the regime there is no distinction between moderates and hard liners, unless someone considers that it is possible to a be a moderate criminal.

“While honoring those who have given their lives for this purpose, let us look to the future and prepare for the overthrow of the regime and the installation of a democratic government supported by all of you. There is no better or more noble goal in our times than that of transforming Iran in an open society.

“Let us not give up until we save the Iranian people from oppression and darkness. We all know that the battle for justice and freedom is never finished, but we also know that there is no better life than that dedicated to this endless fight.”

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