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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsMartin Kobler and wife's dangerous stance on Camp Liberty attack “facilitates” further...

Martin Kobler and wife’s dangerous stance on Camp Liberty attack “facilitates” further attacks

Kobler’s absurd gesture through his wife to whitewash and getting away from responsibility of crimes against humanity, massacre of defenseless refugees and rendering them homeless

Britta Wagner, the German Ambassador in Iraq and wife of Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Iraq, in a statement issued a few days after  the missiles attack carried out by the mullahs’ regime and the Iraqi government on Camp Liberty, while whitewashing the bloody hands of the Iraqi government, praised the organization led by Kobler. Using the known tactic of swapping the victim with the henchman, she called on the “leadership of Camp Liberty to allow residents to enjoy their full rights.”

Deliberately staying short of condemning the attack on Camp Liberty, she said: “I deeply regret this incident and I express my sympathy to the relatives. I learned with satisfaction that the Iraqi government is working to clarify the causes of the attack … In this regard I would like to express the full support of the German federal government to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) that has monitored the transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty.”

The German Ambassador’s statement is congruent and complementary to Martin Kobler’s position about the attack of February 9. Not only Kobler never condemned this crime, he did not even mention the attack and instead referred to some “mortar explosions in Camp Liberty”, which could give the impression that perhaps the explosions were originated from inside the camp by the residents!
In the statement, Kobler pointed out that the Iraqi authorities have confirmed that all of the injured have been taken to hospital, and called on the Iraqi officials for “an immediate investigation regarding mortar explosions”.

It seems those parts of assurances that Kobler could not directly give to the mullahs’ regime have been given to the ruling criminals of Tehran by his wife. On one hand, she has acquitted the Iraqi government from crimes against humanity, and on the other hand, by changing the place of victim with the executioner, paves the way for further atrocities. Furthermore, by making such absurd gestures through his wife, Kobler has tried to wash his hands and escape responsibility and complicity in crimes against humanity, murdering defenseless refugees and rendering them homeless.
In the meantime, this German couple with a suspicious and absurd stance is covering up the fact that two of the 7 martyrs of the February 9 attack were German refugees and had German travel documents. They only needed the German embassy to renew their passports!

By making serious but baseless allegations and by completely supporting the Iraqi government, Britta Wagner tries to minimize this crime. In a situation where refugees are getting killed, to make vague and mysterious allegations against them is inconsistent with any moral principles and professional standards, and Mrs. Kobler has to be held accountable for the catastrophic consequences.

Tahar Boumedra, a senior UNAMI official, who monitored the situation of Camp Ashraf for three years, testified under oath at a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress how Martin Kobler deceitfully covered up the facts about the security and humanitarian situations of camp Liberty, which were not consistent with the UN standards for a refugee camp, and paved the way for forced displacement of Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty. The displacement has put the lives of 3100 Ashraf residents in danger. Mr. Boumedra, who didn’t want to be complicit in a humanitarian disaster, resigned last spring in protest to Kobler’s partiality and biased behavior.

Nine months ago, when Mrs. Kobler was appointed as the German Ambassador to Iraq – in contradiction to the UN conduct and diplomatic standards – many regarded the appointment as Martin Kobler’s rewards for closure of Ashraf. But it is now evident that beyond this, it was part of a joint plan of the mullahs’ regime, the Iraqi government and Martin Kobler to put pressure on the residents of Ashraf and Liberty.