Martin Kobler and Maliki’s ‘deception and duplicity’ cost lives in camps Ashraf and Liberty


NCRI – The ‘deception and duplicity’ of United Nation’s Iraqi envoy Martin Kobler and Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki have caused tragic loss of life in Camps Ashraf and Liberty, a former US Homeland Security advisor told a gathering in Paris.

Frances Townsend told the conference on June 22: “Many of my American colleagues in particular have spoken eloquently about the many injustices, the lack of protection at Liberty and Ashraf, Kobler and Maliki’s deception and duplicity, and the tragic and unnecessary loss of life.

“I share their outrage at these events but I thought I would take a moment to speak to another point. I am going to speak to the women, the women at Ashraf and Liberty and to their sisters here today.

“My sisters, you are the heart and soul of the resistance. More than any other freedom movement around the world women are the memory and the inspiration of this movement.

“Women in Iran in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty fight for the same rights as other women around the world: health and education for their children, safety and security for their families and communities. You fight each day for justice and equality and we fight with you.”

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