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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsMaliki used Iranian regime threats to justify abuses against Ashraf

Maliki used Iranian regime threats to justify abuses against Ashraf

NCRI – The French newspaper Le Monde released some of the Wikileaks cables this week, AFP reported, with one of them quoting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki as saying that the Iranian regime intends to target Camp Ashraf in northern Baghdad with long-range missiles.

Camp Ashraf is home to about 3,500 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), which intends to overthrow the religious regime ruling Tehran, the daily added.

It is worth mentioning that Maliki has never taken a public stance about the Iranian regime’s attacks or plots against the PMOI in Ashraf.

His report to US officials on September 24, 2009 (as reflected in the leaked embassy cable), signals a joint attempt by Maliki and the Iranian regime to deceive US officials and to convince them that Ashraf residents must be displaced for alleged security reasons.

Maliki intended to displace the residents within Iraq at the behest of the Iranian regime. He seems to have wanted to justify the move by telling the Americans that it would be “saving the lives of PMOI” against the regime’s threats.

Maliki’s claims came two months after Iraqi forces themselves violently attacked the camp on July 28 and 29, 2009, and a week before 36 residents taken hostage by these forces were transferred from a prison in the city of Khalis to a safe house and torture chamber directed by Maliki’s intelligence services.

Maliki also wanted to use such reports to US officials about the Iranian regime’s plans to attack Ashraf using fighter jets and missiles as a means to set the stage for the implementation of displacing the residents on December 15, 2009, at the behest of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

However, the plan was foiled after the residents made revelations and refused to comply with the plan. Foreign journalists present on the scene witnessed the event, and Maliki’s buses which had initially come to the camp to displace the residents, returned empty.

The episode left a visible stain on Maliki’s time in office and provoked outrage against him and the Iranian regime all over the world.