London Church voices solidarity with Camp Ashraf

NCRI – As part of a global campaign in solidarity with Camp Ashraf, Iraq, where 3,400 Iranian dissidents reside, a ceremony was held at St. Mark’s Church in London where supporters of the Iranian resistance and relatives of Ashraf residents in the UK exposed crimes committed by the clerical regime against the Iranian people and Camp Ashraf.

After a sermon, Reverend Roger Gayler talked about Ashraf and the valuable role played by the camp’s residents in inspiring the Iranian people who are under the clutches of the mullahs.

At the end of the service, the congregation signed a declaration in support of Ashraf which will be sent to international authorities.

Rev Gayler also sent a video message broadcast on the satellite channel Simay-e Azadi to the people of Iran. Below is an excerpt of his televised message:

My name is Rev Roger Gayler of St Mark’s Church in Marks Gate which is in the northeast corner of London. We are a community of about 6,000 people, so we are not dissimilar to Camp Ashraf. We were able to use the service to help people understand what was going on in Iran and in Camp Ashraf, the dangers that they face, but also the opportunities and the beacon of hope that they represent for the people of Iran.

We could see from what we have been told and heard and read that Camp Ashraf is a beacon of light and hope for how a community can be organized. So it was exciting for us to know that people can put their faith into action, not just talk about things.

People of Iran! we hope that you will grow to learn and appreciate what the values and vision of Camp Ashraf is so that you can be encouraged in all your difficulties to keep going and build a community which is based on trust, faith and hope.

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