Liberty residents’ lawyers warn of Ahmadinejad’s visit to Iraq

Arab Counsel in Defense of Liberty Residents
The Arab Counsel in Defense of Liberty Residents issued a statement on the upcoming visit by Ahmadinejad to Iraq.
Excerpts are as follows:
“The Arab Counsel in Defense of Liberty Residents condemns Ahmadinejad’s upcoming visit to Iraq, and stands alongside the Iraqi people and Ashraf and Liberty residents in rejecting and condemning this visit.

“This visit is taking place at a time when the mullahs’ regime is under intense international isolation and unprecedented economic pressures.
“We emphasize this visit is only in the Iranian regime’s interest and brings nothing for Iraq but an increase in sectarianism and sedition. We also warn of any negative and dangerous impacts this visit have for Iranian refugees in camps Ashraf and Liberty. We call on the Iraqi government to refrain from mentioning and discussing the case of Ashraf and Liberty residents with Ahmadinejad because any involvement of this regime in this case is in violation of international laws, covenants and agreements and the rights of refugees. We warn the UN Secretary-General, US Secretary of State, UNAMI representative and US Ambassador to Iraq on any cooperation between the Iraqi government and Iranian regime in this regard.”
President – Arab Counsel in Defense of Liberty Residents
Sofian Fozi Al-Khassawane –

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