Kurdish MP .. Ashraf property should not be confiscated

Ms. Amina Saeed, Kurdish Union MP, said that Liberty residents were suffering from many difficulties since the Iraqi government treated PMOI not as refugees but as a political issue due to its relation with the Iranian regime. They are an old dissident organization against the Iranian regime and the UN is well informed about that. She added that the Ashraf property should not be confiscated in any way, reported Baghdad Daily on November 22, 2012.

‘Camp Liberty should be announced as a refugee camp and UN should have an active role in this issue. Like any other humanitarian issues the Iraqi government should provide all humanitarian services for the residnets, because until their final disposition, they are part of central government jurisdiction’, Amineh Saeed added. ‘Preventing entrance of journalists to Camp Liberty to report what is happening there is not absolutely acceptable. Due to this prevention there are many contradictory news about the camp.’, she said.
Ms. Amina Saeed reiterated ‘I stand by any refugee and any oppressed individual who has been denied of his rights. Central government should not deal with PMOI politically. It should provide all humanitarian needs of the camp and protect their human rights’.

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