Judy Chu: United States must continue to do what it can to protect the camp inhabitants and to fight any forced relocation of camp Ashraf

 NCRI – A bi-partisan panel of members of U.S. Congress and senior former public officials and national security experts entitled “U.S. Policy, Iran and Camp Ashraf: The panel, held at the U.S. House of Representatives  to make it the policy of the United States to “prevent the forcible relocation of Camp Ashraf residents inside Iraq and facilitate the robust presence of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq in Camp Ashraf.”

The House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL); Rep. Bob Filner, (D-CA), Co-Chair, Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus; Representatives “Judge” Ted Poe (R-TX); Judy Chu (D-CA); Dan Lungren (R-CA); Trent Franks (R-AZ); Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX); and Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) were joined by John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Andrew Card, former White House Chief of Staff; Michael Mukasey, former Attorney General of the United States; John Sano, former Deputy Director of CIA for National Clandestine Service; Robert Torricelli, former United States Senator; and Professor Steven Schneebaum, Counsel for U.S. families of Camp Ashraf Residents.

Below is an excerpt of the speech by Hon.Judy Chu.Dr. Judy Chu was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for California’s 32nd District in July 2009.In the 112th Congress, Rep. Chu serves on the House Judiciary Committee, where she is a member of the Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security and the Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet subcommittees.

Good afternoon.  What an incredible crowd that you have here today.  I’m always so impressed by your dedication and commitment to the issue and all on of the support that you’ve built on the Hill, and today is no different.

A month ago I saw the video of what happened in Camp Ashraf in April and I was horrified.  I could not believe what I saw.  I could not believe the bulldozers and the Humvees that stormed Camp Ashraf.

I could not believe the site of troops using live ammunition and seeing men and women just mowed down.  I could not believe the fact that there were 36 residents, including eight women, that ended up losing their lives and that more than 300 others had been wounded.

Iraq has announced that its appointed a committee to investigate this, but so far we’ve heard nothing about this investigation or what they found, and it is clear that an internal Iraq led investigation is not sufficient.  Instead we need an impartial and an independent investigation into this attack.  Only then will the world be satisfied on the truth about this horrible incident will be made public, and that’s why I have to announce to you that a I am the co-sponsor of House Resolution 332 which calls for such an investigation to shed light on this terrible tragedy and I’m not alone.

I stand with my colleagues in the House, the UN, the EU, and Amnesty International in crying for a fair and just evaluation of the events of that fateful day; but I fear that another attack could come.

And so the United States must continue to do what it can to protect the camp inhabitants and to fight any forced relocation of this camp.  We cannot let these brave men and woman be forced out of homes and into the arms of enemies. We must do everything that we can to fight for their freedom and the freedom of the Iranian people.

And one of the best things that we can do is to remove the MEK from the list of foreign terrorist organizations.  I’m going to work hard to get more Congressional support for this important effort.  We need to raise the pressure, have Congressional hearings, and bring the subject to the world’s ears so that finally the State Department will feel the pressure and do the right thing.

One of the most important elements of making sure this is successful is all of you here today because of all of your tireless advocacy members of parliament in Europe, military leaders and members of Congress know about the human and civil rights abuses going around Camp Ashraf today.

It is because of you that the international pressure is rising and that the support for the MEK and the protection of Camp Ashraf residents is growing. I want you to know that as long as you are fighting I will fight with you and together we can regain fair and democratic rights and treatment for all Iranian people.

Thank you very much

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