Italian MEP: EU and UN must protest rights of Camp Ashraf residents

Italian news agency ANSA, January 17, 2013*

STRASBOURG, JANUARY 17 – “Baroness Ashton and the United Nations must recognize Camp Liberty as a refugee camp, and the rights to its residents, or allow them to return to Camp Ashraf pending an agreed solution to the tragic situation in which they find themselves”. This is the call made by member of the European Parliament , Oreste Rossi to the High Representative for the EU’s foreign policy, Baroness Chaterine Ashton during the plenary debate in Strasbourg on the Partnership EU-Iraq, in which the European Parliament gave its vote.

Rossi is back on the subject of Iranian refugees in Camp Ashraf, who, after living 26 years in camp, almost all have been transferred to Camp Liberty, which was supposed to be only a Temporary Transit Location.


In fact, said the MEP “the refugees were made homelessness and new camp is in fact a prison, as defined by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of the Council for Human Rights and the UNHCR itself, or the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. “

“As if that were not enough, the Iraqi government wants to take the possession of all the movable and immovable properties of the Iranian refugees. In light of these disturbing facts Europe should make its voice heard in defense of human rights and takes measures to ensure that Martin Kobler, the UN representative in Iraq is doing its work correctly,” Rossi added.

The text is English translation of the original report in Italian

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