It would be a breach of International Law if members of PMOI in Iraq returned to Iran

The Lord Slynn of Hadley raised his concern over the plight of two abducted members of the PMOI in his letter to the Lord Trieseman, Minister of Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on August 10 which in part read:

“I have in the past advised the National Council of Resistance of Iran that it would be a breach of International Law and in particular of International Human Rights Law for members of the Iranian PMOI in Iraq at Ashraf Camp to be returned to Iran from Iraq. I understood that the United States authorities (who were responsible in the Ashraf area) and others accepted this. No attempt was made to send the members to Iran.

“I have, however, because of my earlier advice, just been told that two of such members Hossein Pouyan and Mohammad Ali Zahedi have been arrested in the street in Baghdad and taken to Alamara which I am told is in the ‘British Zone.’ They have been told that they are to be sent to Iran. I need not expatiate on what the consequences could be.

“I should greatly appreciate any steps to prevent their removal to Iran whilst this matter is investigated or if you were able to give me information as to their whereabouts. It would be appalling if their lives were endangered without further and proper investigation especially if it is right that they are in an area where British Authorities are present or in control.”

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