ISJ condemns attack on Ashraf, calls for US forces and UN to be stationed in Ashraf



27 December 2010
The International Committee ‘In Search of Justice (ISJ)’ comprised of 4,000 parliamentarians, strongly condemns the 26 December criminal attack of Iraqi forces against Camp Ashraf residents at the camp’s hospital, which led to the injury of a number of residents. ISJ also calls on US forces and the UN to immediately intervene to curtail the power of suppressive forces from Ashraf and to dissolve the suppressive and illegal committee in the Iraqi Government known as the “Committee to close down Ashraf”. The ISJ further demands from the US forces to provide treatment for the injured residents of yesterday’s attack in the US–affiliated hospitals.

 This attack, carried out by taking advantage of Christmas holidays, reveals Maliki’s intents in implementing the ominous desires of the Iranian regime against its main organized opposition movement. This attack was launched at a time when the wave of support and solidarity with Ashraf residents and international calls to end the siege on Ashraf and the psychological torture of the residents has taken unprecedented dimensions.  The European Parliament 25 November 2010 Written Declaration, stances taken by members of the US House of Representatives and hearing sessions of the Foreign Relations Committee, the declarations of French and Italian Senate majorities, declaration of 53 former prime ministers and ministers, the Washington D.C. seminar on December 17, and the international conference on December 22 in Paris with participation of the most high-ranking former US officials, are among these supports.
What makes yesterday’s attack more atrocious is the fact that Iraqi security forces are using the hospital as a lever and turning it into a center of suppression and torture. This reveals that al-Maliki and his followers are violating all humane, legal and international commitments, principles and values in carrying out the orders of the mullahs’ regime. This issue even more increases the necessity of US forces taking over the security and protection of Ashraf and a UN monitoring team stationing inside the camp.

Furthermore, as ISJ announced following the adoption of European Parliament 25 November 2010 Written Declaration, that Iraqi forces, as the perpetrators of killing Ashraf residents, must be transferred outside the camp’s perimeters and the water, electricity and hospital facilities, currently occupied by Iraqi forces, must be returned to the residents under conditions similar to the years 1986-2009. In the past two years these facilities, especially the hospital, have become centers of torture and suppression of the residents. Neither the international community nor the US Administration can remain indifferent to these grave violations of human rights.
Alejo Vidal-Quadras
Vice President of the European Parliament
President, International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ)

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