ISJ: 36 PMOI detainees were finally released

 36 PMOI detainees were finally released, Call on Iraq to implement European Parliament resolution on Ashraf

“We call once again on Iraq to fully implement the European Parliament resolution on Ashraf, adopted on 24 April 2009 which emphasized on the Fourth Geneva Convention and rejected any attempt of extradition or forcible displacement of Ashraf residents within Iraq.” – International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ)

Press release 9 October 2009
36 PMOI detainees were finally released
Call on Iraq to implement European Parliament resolution on Ashraf

We were happy to hear of the release of 36 members of the Iranian democratic opposition, PMOI, after 72 days of imprisonment and hunger strike in Iraq.
These 36 were arrested on 28 July 2009 when unarmed and defenceless residents of Camp Ashraf, home to 3400 members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran [PMOI/MEK], were brutally attacked by the Iraqi forces. 11 people of them were killed with over 500 wounded.
During their arrest, these 36 Iranian dissidents were beaten and wounded and seven of them were unconscious at the time of their capture and abduction. They were held for several days in appalling conditions outside of Ashraf and then transferred to the local prison in the city of Khalis.
Three consecutive court rulings in Khalis ordered their immediate release. But the Iraqi government refused to implement the order which led to an international campaign resulting finally to the release of these hostages on 7 October.
We welcome that the Iraqi government finally accepted to respect the rule of law and the verdicts of its own court. Unfortunately the brutal treatment of the Iranian refugees in camp Ashraf by the Iraqi government has been against the most elementary humanitarian behaviour and we consider it unacceptable. We were hoping to see a democratic Iraq and our disappointment after this atrocity is beyond measure. Respect for international laws and human rights of these Iranian dissidents in Iraq is the minimum expectation for us in the European Parliament.
We call once again on Iraq to fully implement the European Parliament resolution on Ashraf, adopted on 24 April 2009 which emphasized on the Fourth Geneva Convention and rejected any attempt of extradition or forcible displacement of Ashraf residents within Iraq.
To guarantee the future safety of Camp Ashraf, we call on the UN to immediately set up a permanent team inside Ashraf. We praise the work done by Mr Ad Melkert, the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) and his colleagues who have worked tirelessly in the past 72 days for these 36 hostages. UNAMI should make sure that no member of PMOI in camp Ashraf is moved anywhere inside Iraq against his/her wish.
The US government which signed a mutual agreement with every member of PMOI in Iraq to guarantee their protection must continue to provide security to Ashraf residents, as long as US forces are in Iraq.
Alejo Vidal-Quadras
Vice President of the European Parliament
President of international committee In Search of Justice (ISJ)

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