IRGC concerned about U.S asymmetric warfare, drone attacks

NCRI – In an analysis of the changes in Obama administration, state-run Fars news agency, the news outlet of the Islamic Republican Guards Corps (IRGC) wrote on May 2 that simultaneous with new changes in Obama administration, asymmetrical warfare is now Pentagon’s new strategy for dealing with Iran’s nuclear program.

Fars wrote: U.S. approach to the Iranian nuclear program — as the most basic security challenge between the two countries — will be affected by this issue too.


Expressing concerns, the Fars news agency evaluated various aspects of this confrontation, including military attack on the regime’s nuclear facilities, and wrote: During last few years, U.S. military strategists have repeatedly spoken of the possibility of covert and secret operations for inflicting an effective blow against Iran’s nuclear facilities. The most important advantage of such an operation is the limited military aspect of it, which will possible entail a less severe reaction by Iran, in comparison to a full-fledged air attack.

It  added: Considering various experiences of Panetta (the U.S. Secretary of Defense who is expected to replace Gates) in using drone unmanned aerial vehicles in Afghanistan and Iraq, use of this technology in case of direct attack against Iran, at least as an adjunct technique, is quite possible. Weapons such as air to ground assault missiles and bunker busting bombs are examples of what drones can carry and cause heavy damages to Iran’s nuclear facilities.

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