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Iraqi tribal leaders congratulate release and return of 36 residents to Camp Ashraf

ImageNCRI – A number of Iraqi tribal leaders congratulated the release of 36 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that were abducted from Camp Ashraf during the July raid by Iraqi forces. They were released on October 7, on their 72nd day of hunger strike, 7th day of dry hunger strike.

Sheikh Feysal Houm al-Olaivi on behalf of the National Council of Iraqi Tribes in Diyala:

We congratulate the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and the Iranian and Iraqi people from the bottom of our heart for this great victory.

Undoubtedly, the resolve of these PMOI members was the most valued asset that enabled them to neutralize the enemy’s plots and endow the Iraqi and Iranian people and the PMOI with such a victory. We, members of the National Council of Iraqi Tribes in Diyala, are happy about the release of these hostages and continue to stress on the following demands:

1) Presence of an international monitoring team from the UN with full authority in Ashraf
2) Prohibition of displacement of Ashraf residents inside Iraq
3) Withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Ashraf

Amir Youssef Bedan Aziz, head of the al-Baeej tribe:

This triumph proved that Ashraf is strong and can stand against challenges. It also showed that what must perish and be uprooted from Iraq is the Inhumane regime of Iran and its proxies in Iraq. We in the tribe of al-Baeej condemn any attacks and belligerence towards Ashraf and consider such measures to reflect the will of the Iranian regime. We are also strongly asking responsible international authority to guarantee their rights.

Sheikh Adnan Mohammad Bandar, head of the Somaida tribe:

The news about the release of 36 hostages brought joy and happiness for all honorable people and the proud Iraqi tribes. Over the past 72 days, there was a struggle between darkness and light. In the end, it was light that triumphed and we are very happy about that.

Sheikh Matlab Ali al-Massari, head of the National Council of Iraqi Tribes:

I offer you and the people of Iran my heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the National Council of Iraqi Tribes and ask the Lord for more help and compassion for you in your future endeavors.

Sheikh Ali al-Doleimi, head of the Central Council of Iraqi and Arab Tribes:

From the bottom of our hearts, we at the Central Council of Iraqi and Arab Tribes congratulate the release of 36 Ashraf residents who were taken hostage and maintained a hunger strike for more than 70 days. We condemn any sort of pressure and hostility towards our brothers and sisters in Ashraf and reaffirm our previous demands:

1) An international team from the UN must be assigned to monitor the situation in Ashraf
2) The rights of Ashraf residents must be recognized in accordance with international law and especially the resolution of the European Parliament.
3) In order to prevent the Iranian regime from exploiting the situation, Iraqi police forces must leave Ashraf as soon as possible.

Sheikh Ali al-Hamdani, leader of the al-Hamdani tribe in Iraq:

Hearing about the situation of the 36 hostages and the mistreatment of them during this time caused a lot of concern among us, because such a treatment of people who have taken refuge in Iraqi territory from injustice is against all Islamic, humanitarian, and tribal values, and we condemn it. We assure you that the al-Hamdani tribe will support you in all circumstances until you obtain your objectives of freedom and democracy in your country.

Sheikh Thaer Seihoud Ali, leader of the al-Zoheiri tribe in Iraq:

Over the course of the last 72 days, we attempted to secure the release of the hostages and prevent the enemies of the Iraqi and Iranian people from reaching their sinister goals. Thanks to the perseverance of the hostages, we were able to reach this goal. This path will undoubtedly continue until the influence of the Iranian regime’s proxies has ended in Iraq.

Sheikh Hamid Majid Nasser, leader of the Alkhashali tribe in Diyala:

This victory was obtained due to the attempts and sacrifices of people who gave new meaning to the concepts of a higher will. On behalf of the Alkheshali tribe in Diyala province, I announce that we support the presence of the PMOI in Diyala province and in Ashraf with all our heart and will never allow any hostility towards them. We will resist all other plots against them.

Sheikh Mazhar Marid, leader of the al-Masoudi tribe in Diyala:

We congratulate the PMOI and the Iraqi people for this great victory. Rest assured, such a victory will bring stability and security to our dear country Iraq. On behalf of the al-Masoudi tribe in Diyala province I take this victory as a good sign and I hope that we can achieve more triumphs very soon.

Sheikh Heytham Houm al-Alivi, leader of the Neda tribe in Diyala province:

The good news about the release of hostages from Ashraf is a prelude to the final victory of the Iranian people and the PMOI against the ruling regime in Iran. God willing that day will soon come. We congratulate the Iranian people, the people of Iraq, and the PMOI for this great victory.