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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsIraqi politician criticizes plans for displacement of Iranian exiles from Camp Ashraf

Iraqi politician criticizes plans for displacement of Iranian exiles from Camp Ashraf

Dr. Saleh al-MutlaqNCRI – Dr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, head of the Iraqi National Dialogue Front criticized the Iraqi Government’s plan for displacement of Iranian exiles living in Camp Ashraf describing it as Iranian regime’s demand that is being carried out by the Iraqi Government, Al-Hurra TV reported on Thursday.

Dr. Mutlaq expressed his regret about the government’s policies of taking on minor issues while the Iraqi people are suffering from disastrous tragedies, the report added.

Camp Ashraf located in north of Baghdad in Diyala province is home to some 3400 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who have been living there for over two decades.

The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, in remarks that was first published in his website announced plans for the "transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Nuqrat al-Salman" south of Iraq as a "step towards expelling them (from Iraq)."

The Iranian Resistance denounced remarks by Iraqi Prime Minister as unlawful and disgraceful kowtowing to orders of the religious fascism ruling Iran in the midst of nationwide uprising in Iran.

The Iranian regime has set the suppression of Ashraf residents in Iraq as a precondition to its support for al-Maliki in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Iraq.

Amnesty International on Friday warned that Iraq's plans to move an Iranian opposition group to a former desert detention camp in the country's remote south would put them at risk of arbitrary arrest and torture.

"Whatever measures the Iraqi authorities decide to take with regard to the future of Camp Ashraf, the rights of all its residents must be protected and guaranteed at all times," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, a deputy director with Amnesty International.