Iraqi political leader criticizes Maliki’s crimes in Ashraf

NCRI – A prominent Iraqi leader has said that Iraqis should follow the lead of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in lodging complaints against those in Iraq who commit crimes against humanity.

According to Iraqi news agency, Mesal al-Alousi, the leader of al-Ameh Party said, “The Spanish National Court’s decision to summon Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and three of his officers for the massacre of April 8 in Camp Ashraf, which led to the killing of 36 Iranian refugees, indicates that the PMOI have a huge following among the Iranian people, parties, and human rights and legal organizations.”


He added, “When I heard that there are corpses of PMOI members after being killed by the bullets fired by government forces, I initially surmised that there must be some exaggeration. But, when I saw the Maliki government barring visits by U.S. Congressional delegations, the European Parliament and international organizations to Ashraf, in order to unearth the facts, I realized that there is a bitter and appalling truth and the government is barring the visits to prevent revelations about its scandalous conduct.”

He said the Iraqi government must realize that it is part of the international community and not a part of Iran.

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