Iraqi officials could be accountable for forcible displacement of Ashraf residents

Dr. Juan Garces, a prominent international jurist and a political advisor to the late Chilean president Salvador AllendeNCRI – Dr. Juan Garces, a prominent international jurist and a political advisor to the late Chilean president Salvador Allende has issued the following statement on the final order of the Spanish courts for the opening of an investigation into crimes against humanity committed against the residents of Ashraf:

Madrid, the 11 December 2009

• The Writ of the Central Investigative Court No. 4 of the National Court of Spain to investigate crimes of war against resident of Ashraf has become firm

• Iraqi officials could be accountable for forcible displacement of Ashraf residents and its consequences


The Public Prosecutor did not appeal the Writ of the Central Investigative Court number 4 of the National Court of Spain, issued on 26 November 2009, declaring its jurisdiction under the IV Geneva Convention to investigate serious violations of the Convention committed against residents of Camp Ashraf, members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, who since June 2004 have been recognized as protected person under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The Writ is now firm.

On the 27 and 28 July 2009 military forces of the Iraqi Government attacked the defenseless residents of the Camp killing 11, wounding over 400 and unlawfully detaining 36 residents.

This December 7, 2009 public statement by the Iraqi Prime Minister in which he indicated the intention to forcibly transfer the residents of Ashraf to a remote and isolated detention camp, followed two days later by an Iraqi government spokesman announce that the government intends to transfer the residents by the 15 of December, could become a new violation of the Geneva Convention, a prelude to a massacre and, consequently, a war crime under the Convention.

I strongly recommend to all parties concerned to apply in good faith the IV Geneva Convention, to take immediate action in finding a solution for this humanitarian and complex political issue and to prevent an avoidable .human catastrophe.

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