Iraqi MP condemns government abuse of Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty

A member of Iraqi parliament has condemned the Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki and Iraqi Human Rights Ministry for their inhumane treatment of the Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty and the Iraqi people.

Khaled al-Alwani told an Iraqi news website: ” The Human Rights Minister is from the Iraqi ruling party, Dawa Party. This minister has come to treat all Iraqi people and residents of Camp Liberty in contrast to human rights.”

β€œThe minister of human rights should not be affiliated to any group and be able to defend human rights, the rights that are being suppressed totally in Iraq today,” he added.

Camp Liberty in Iraq houses thousands of Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty who had been living for decades in Camp Ashraf.

The residents of the camp have been subjected to mistreatment and medical and food blockades by Iraqi forces.

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