Iraqi MP calls for UN presence in Camp Ashraf – Jordanian daily

NCRI – Adnan Ghanem Ziab, a member of Iraqi Parliament has called for the immediate release of the 36 residents of Camp Ashraf who were kidnapped by Nuri al-Maliki’s forces, Jordanian daily al-Arab al-Youm reported on Sunday.  He also asked for an international force to take over the protection of Camp Ashraf.

The Member of Parliament from the Iraqi Accord Front criticized al-Maliki’s government from preventing the release of the 36 of Camp Residents despite a court ruling.  They have been taken hostage by the Iraqi forces during a late July on Camp Ashraf.

Mr. Adnan Ghaem Ziab said that the al-Maliki’s government has to recognize the independence of the Iraq’s judiciary system, since this independence is a key in guaranteeing the freedom and the rights of the Iraqi citizens.  He added that refusing to carry out the court order is a violation of human rights and the Iraqi constitution.

He added that the cruel and unethical attacks by the police and military forces on the residents of Camp Ashraf was a disgrace and a shameful act as it has caused death and has brought injury to political refugees. He said that these acts that were carried out in response to the Iranian demands, were against the Arab values and morals, especially at a time that the Iranian people are demonstrating in the streets for democracy and freedom.

The member of the parliament form the Iraqi Accord Front described the suppression of Iranian opposition as  a gift to Iran and added that this was a clear indication of the Iranian meddling in Iraq.

Adnan Ghanem Ziab added that the residents of Ashraf were all Protected Persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention and had been under U.S. protection for the past six years. The camp was turned over to Iraqi forces in 2009 after the Iraqi government gave written guarantee to safeguard the residents in Ashraf.  But neither U.S. nor Iraq honored their promises and as a result many people lost their lives and score were wounded.

He added that the extent of the Iranian regime’s involvement in Iraq requires a presence by the United Nation at the camp to prevent events such as the July attack. Mr. Ziab said that he was in favor of such a presence.

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