Iraqi MP blames Martin Kobler for forced relocation of Iranians from Ashraf

NCRI – An Iraqi member of Parliament has condemned the inhumane treatment of Camp Liberty residents and blamed UN envoy Martin Kobler with forcing them to transfer from their home in Ashraf.

Mazhar al-Janabi, a member of the al-Iraqiya coalition and the parliament’s Defense and Security Commission, said: “Residents of Camp Liberty were transferred from Camp Ashraf by force, against their will.

“These people were the target of a planned attack on Camp Liberty. Given the high number of rockets that hit the camp and its timing, we believe there would have been time to prevent further strikes.”

Al-Janabi told the Iraq For All News website on April 15: “They are refugees. Our tribal and humanitarian tradition and moral commands us to protect them.”

And regarding Martin Kobler’s role in Iraq, Mr al-Jenabi demanded: “The UN must replace him and his employees because he has had no success in managing affairs in Iraq.”

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