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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsIraqi MP blames Baghdad government and UN's Kobler for Camp Liberty attacks

Iraqi MP blames Baghdad government and UN’s Kobler for Camp Liberty attacks

NCRI – A leading Iraqi MP has accused Iraqi government of failing to protect Camp Liberty from deadly rocket attacks and demanded its residents be returned to Camp Ashraf.

Dr Ahmad al-Mesari, a member of the al-Iraqiya coalition, also blamed Iran for the attacks and said disgraced United Nations envoy Martin Kobler had been replaced and sent to Congo for failing to do his job.

Dr al-Mesari said: “There is no doubt Iran is fully connected with the paramilitary groups in Iraq and they are supported by the regime.

“They are trained and armed in this country. The third rocket attack on Liberty is a clear proof of coordination between the Iranian regime and the paramilitaries in Iraq.”

He told the Alhadspcnews: “The role of the UN is now very weak due to the conduct of Martin Kobler. Protests over this have been voiced by many parties inside and outside Iraq. His transfer to Congo is due to not working properly and weakness relating to the human rights of the PMOI members residing in Iraq.

“The international community and the UN must protect these refugees, and must not allow international human rights conventions and mandates to be violated in Camp Liberty.”