Iraqi MP: Attack on Camp Ashraf is in violation of Geneva Conventions

NCRI – Taha al-Liheibi, A member of Iraqi Parliament from Iraqi Accordance Front, said that the attack on Camp Ashraf is in violation of the Geneva Conventions and the human right and must be stopped.

In an interview with the Jordanian al-Arab al-Youm daily he said: “if it were not for the Iranian regime influence, the Iraqi government would have not acted this way”.

Jordanian daily added that the hunger strike of the 36 kidnapped members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as well as the others in hunger strike in Camp Ashraf, Washington, Ottawa, London, Berlin, The Hague, and Stockholm has entered into the its second month.

The report added that many of the 36 kidnapped victims were seriously injured and numerous others were badly beaten and wounded during the attack.

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