Iraqi lawyers’ Committee condemns Larijani’s meddling in Iraqi affairs

Declaration by 5.2 m Iraqis in support of the Iranian MojahedinOn November 4, on the very same day that Ali Larijani asked for the extradition of the PMOI members from Iraq millions of Iranians challenged the Iranian regime by chanting slogans that called for its downfall. This is while “about 100 of Iraqi members of parliament boycotted Ali Larijani.” Under such circumstances that he is rejected by both Iranian and Iraqi people and it is not clear how Larijai believes that he has the right to ask Iraqi government for extradition of the PMOI.

English translation of the statement by the Iraqi Committee of Lawyers and Jurists in Defense of Ashraf condemning the meddling of Ali Larijani, Iranian regimes parliament speaker, in Iraqi affairs:

Ali Larijani, Iranian regime’s Speaker of Parliament during his 4-day visit to Iraq on every occasion has been talking about the expulsion and extradition of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from Iraq and setting goals for the Iraqi government and its respectful member of parliament to expel the organization from Iraq.

Ali Larijani wants the Iraqi government to undermine all its international obligations and give in to the inhuman and filthy wishes of the Iranian regime. Larijani said: “Any hesitation to extradite the terrorist Monafeghin [the term used by Iranian regime to refer to the PMOI] is not appropriate for Iraq. (Fars news agency, Nov 4, 2009).

On November 4, on the very same day that Ali Larijani asked for the extradition of the PMOI members from Iraq millions of Iranians challenged the Iranian regime by chanting slogans that called for its downfall. This is while “about 100 of Iraqi members of parliament boycotted Ali Larijani.” Under such circumstances that he is rejected by both Iranian and Iraqi people and it is not clear how Larijai believes that he has the right to ask Iraqi government for extradition of the PMOI.

It is necessary to emphasize that Larijani’s request is nothing new, but it is only one of the many Iranian regimes meddling in Iraq for annihilation and expulsion of PMOI from Iraq which began by the long blockade against Camp Ashraf and in its later stages brought about the July 28 and 29 attack Camp on Ashraf that resulted in 11 death and over 500 injured and 36 were taken hostages by Iraqi forces. Larijani was the only one who praised the criminal act and said at the time: “The attack by Iraqi forces against Camp Ashraf was a brave move and worthy of appreciation albeit late but still appreciable.”

Another chain in the series of inhuman acts by Iraqi government is prohibition of entry of members of families of Ashraf residents to the camp. By doing so, they intend to induce to Iraqi people that Ashraf residents themselves are not allowing their families to enter Camp Ashraf to visit them. Larijani’s trip and his demands for the extradition of PMOI also reveal the ill-intentions of the plans of displacements of PMOI to Samava (southern Iraq).  The fact is that such plans are nothing but prerequisite to the extradition of PMOI to Iran.
We condemn Larijani’s clear meddling in Iraqi’s affairs and specifically his request for extradition of PMOI which undermines all international principles and obligations of Iraq and urge the Iraqi government to declare its official position against such demands.

Committee of Lawyers and Jurists in Defense of Ashraf
Nov 5, 2009.

Photo: Declaration by 5.2 m Iraqis in support of the PMOI, 2006

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