Iraqi lawmaker condemns ‘inhumane treatment’ of Iranians dissidents in Camp Liberty

NCRI – A leading Iraqi member of parliament has condemned the ‘torture, harassment and inhuman treatment’ of Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty.

Talal al-Zobaie , Chairman of the Parliament’s Integrity Commission, also urged his government to honor its promises to protect Liberty residents and allow them free access to lawyers and medical care.

He said in a statement: “When the Camp Liberty residents were in Diyala province, they were faced with all kinds of tortures and harassments. After being transferred to Liberty, they are in the same situation, as well as being the target of missile barrages and attacks by Iraqi forces.”

“A wise person, never denies others of their right to life.”

Mr al-Zobaei added: “We demand the implementation of international laws and conventions regarding Camp Liberty residents. We remind the government of its obligations to the conventions. These laws are recognized on an international level and define the relationship between the refugees in Liberty and the government which should be obeyed by all sides.”

Camp Liberty in Iraq houses over 2,000 Iranian dissidents that have been living in the country for 28 years ago. They were forcibly transferred from Camp Ashraf, a barren area they transformed into a city and have now been moved to a prison-like camp where they are under constant siege by the Iraqi forces who deny the residents freedom of movement and free access to lawyers and medical care.

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