Iraqi killers must be brought to justice for Camp Ashraf massacre, Chavez demands

Iraq is to blame for the massacre of 52 Iranian opposition members residents of Camp Ashraf last year and a full investigation must be carried out to bring the perpetrators to justice, a former human rights expert on the UN Human Rights Sub-Commission has told a conference in UN Headquarters in Geneva.

The international community must also act urgently to protect the residents of Camp Liberty from daily abuses of their human rights, before they can be moved to safe haven abroad, the president of the Center for Equal Opportunity Linda Chavez demanded.

She said: “It has been more than six months since 52 people, 46 men and 6 women, were systematically subjected to extra judicial massacre in Camp Ashraf. More than 120 uniformed soldiers came into Camp Ashraf and systematically went house to house bringing about the residents, putting them in a central place, handcuffing them, and then executing them with shots to the head and to the neck.

“Despite this abundant evidence, the response of the international community has been mostly silence. There has been no systematic call for an investigation by an independent group that could in fact assess who it is that committed these crimes and seek some forms of justice.

“Camp Ashraf is essentially a camp that is surrounded by the Iraqi military. No one goes in and no one goes out without the knowledge of Iraqi government and without permission of the Iraqi government. So, it is simply credulity to claim that the Iraqi government didn’t know what was happening.

“The conference today is here to dispel these lies and to hold accountable and those who sincerely care about human rights to come forward and to demand that the United Nations live up to its charter.

“Little can be done for the deaths except to bring justice to them and to their families.”

There were another 3,000 more innocent victims in Camp Liberty who also lived under constant threat and have been subjected to repeated attacks, Ms Chavez said.

And the West must assure that humane conditions are provided in Camp Liberty and that residents have the basic freedom to leave and go to the country of their choosing, Ms Chavez told the meeting.

She added: “What is needed in order for these steps to take place is an independent investigation of what has been going on in both Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty.

“All of this takes place against the back drop of continued human rights violations in the country of Iraq. Without an outcry from those in this room who believe in the principles of human rights, who believe in the principles that every individual is to be protected and their human rights observed, no justice can take place and further bloodshed will come about.”

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