Iraqi group calls for ensuring protection of Ashraf and lifting of restrictions

NCRI – The Authentic Iraq National group chaired by Seyed Hossein al-Jaberi al-Moussawi, has issued a statement demanding the lifting of a siege on Camp Ashraf, near Baghdad, where 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), are located.

The statement says, “We demand all pressures of the Iranian regime’s intelligence operatives at the front gate of Ashraf be stopped and the protection and rights of the residents be guaranteed in accordance with the European parliamentary resolution of April 24, 2009. The full English translation of the statement is as follows:

Call to lift siege on AShraf

In view of the multitude of obtained reports about the violation of the rights of 3,400 PMOI members residing in Ashraf and depriving them of basic necessities, and on the basis of the European Parliament’s April 24, 2009 resolution which emphasizes that Ashraf residents are protected persons under the Geneva Conventions, the Iraqi government must guarantee the full human and legal rights of the residents.

We officially and urgently call for the lifting of the unjust siege on Ashraf residents, for the guaranteeing of their protection in the face of future threats and for providing the residents with all their basic necessities.

We also call for the lifting of all pressures by the agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence who have camped in front of Ashraf’s main gate against the residents.

We invite the American forces to uphold their commitments to Ashraf residents because they assumed the camp’s protection under the Fourth Geneva Convention in exchange for disarming the residents.

We hold the United Nations responsible for ensuring the complete safety of the residents and obtaining sufficient guarantees from the Iraqi government to secure the legal and human rights of Ashraf residents.

The United Nations must guarantee the prevention of displacement of the residents inside Iraq. These residents are the dear brothers and guests of Iraq and its authentic people.

The Authentic Iraq National Group
02 July 2010

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