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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsIraqi committee of lawyers calls for an end to Ashraf siege

Iraqi committee of lawyers calls for an end to Ashraf siege

AshrafNCRI – The Iraqi Committee of Lawyers and Jurists in Defense of Camp Ashraf has called for an end to the unjust siege on the camp by the forces of outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. The committee also called for compliance with international laws, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, when it comes to the residents of Ashraf.

According to Malaf website on Thursday, the committee said, “Following the WikiLeaks revelations about the crimes committed by Nouri al-Maliki, he now sees an increase in the inhumane limitations and suppression of the clerical regime’s opposition in Ashraf as a way to gain the backing of the regime as his only option to preserve power.”

“After returning from a visit to Iran, Maliki implemented new suppressive measures and more inhumane restrictions against the Ashraf residents in order to attract the attention of the Iranian regime for his second term in office.”

The committee of jurists and lawyers in Iraq added, “The forces of Nouri al-Maliki must leave Ashraf without delay and the American forces and a UNAMI monitoring team should take their place in the camp. The 9-month-long psychological torture and an inhumane 22-month-long siege against the residents of Camp Ashraf must also be lifted.”