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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsIraq plays deadly game to control Camp Ashraf, French TV reports

Iraq plays deadly game to control Camp Ashraf, French TV reports

France -3 NCRI – The French TV station, Channel 3, on Friday broadcast a report about the attack of Iraqi forces against Camp Ashraf, describing it as “an incredibly deadly game” as “Iraq attempts to control camp Ashraf.”

Below is the translation of the report:

Click here to view the original report 

In Iraq, officials have decided to get rid of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). These Iranian refugees are a nightmare for Tehran. So much so that a few days ago Iraqi forces attacked Camp Ashraf, north of Baghdad. At least nine people were killed. Please be aware that some of the pictures you are about to see are very disturbing.

This is the Iraqi way to control Camp Ashraf [Humvee armored vehicles are shown while hunting down Ashraf residents on foot]. In these pictures provided by the Iranian Resistance we see an incredibly deadly game: In these vehicles Iraqi police agents and soldiers are terrorizing and running over unarmed protesters.

Ashraf residents are members of PMOI. Close to 3500 members are peacefully resisting the control on their camp since 10 days ago. On the other side are Iraqi forces, some of whom deal deadly blows to the residents, such as this man who died several hours after suffering from cerebrum traumatism [picture of slain Ashraf resident, Amir Kheyri].

One Ashraf resident says: “Nine residents of the camp have been killed, six of whom were shot to death. Two were killed after suffering blows to their heads with clubs and axes. Another one’s face was smashed by a bulldozer. 500 were injured such that they need long-term care and surgeries.”

The PMOI is the Tehran regime's sworn enemy. It has been in Iraq since 1986 and we produced footage of them in 2003 when Americans were fighting against Saddam Hussein. They forced the PMOI to consolidate in Camp Ashraf and after several months they demanded their disarmament. Since then they have been supposed to be protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits any forced displacement or threats against their lives. On January 1, 2009, the US transferred responsibility to protect Ashraf residents to the Iraqi government to the great satisfaction of Iran.

Afshin Alawi, spokesman for the Iranian Resistance, says: “Today since the Iranian regime has been unable to control the uprising and internal dissent in Iran, it has asked the Iraqi government to attack Ashraf in a bid to destroy its main opposition, the PMOI, of which is incredibly fearful especially at the time of the uprising.”

36 people, including 4 who have been severely injured , were arrested for questioning by Iraqi forces. The PMOI, which is considered a terrorist organization by the US, is worried about their lives and has asked the UN to take on the responsibility to protect its members in Ashraf as soon as possible.