Iraq: Camp Ashraf – Observance of the Geneva Conventions

Source:  The World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)*
Geneva, September 15, 2009 – On the occasion of the 12th session of the Council of Human Rights, during a "parallel" event, Mrs. Danielle Mitterrand, President of France Libertés, Mr. Sid Ahmed Ghozali, Former Algerian Prime Minister, Mr. Antonio Stango, Helsinki Watch – Italy, and Mr. Eric Sottas, Secretary General of World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), draw attention on the situation at Camp Ashraf.

They recalled that residents of this camp are protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. The Convention not only prohibits any attack against soldiers who laid down their weapons but also the forced displacement of any Ashraf residents in Iraq or even deportation.
We know that the28-29 July attack of the Iraqi forces against the Ashraf camp has killed 11 people while 500 were injured and 36 were taken hostage.

The speakers recalled their applications made several weeks ago, the establishment of an international investigation and establishment of a UN observers’ team to Ashraf to avoid repeated acts of violence against the population.

During the debate, speakers stressed that their actions were part of a strictly humanitarian measure to protect the lives of people at risk and to see that Geneva Conventions protecting unarmed people is enforced. They hoped that a solution to this urgent problem will be found as soon as possible, reminding that for a month and a half, hunger strikers, both in the Ashraf camp in Europe and the United States have reached to critical and life-threatening state.
The speakers expressed hope that the High Commissioner for human rights will take an initiative that could offer protection to these people at risk and guarantees them the international instruments.

*This is the English translation of text of a French statement

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